Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

How Do Search, Experience and Credence Attributes Influence Consumers on Brand Choice

oleh : Rusli, M. Sulistio
Publikasi : Journal of Management and Business Review vol. 4 no. 1 (Jan. 2007), page 1-12

Understanding the consumers' purchase behavior is very crucial for a company in a very competitive market. The notion that experience and credence attributes are ambiguous for consumers has already been accepted by scholars. However, the impacts of these kinds of attribute on brand choice are still not well understood and studied. This study attempts to review some literature and develop hypotheses regarding the of effects of search, experience and credence attributes on brand choice. Based on these hypotheses, a study could be conducted so that how search, experience and credence attributes influence consumers on brand choice could be explored.....................(baca_selengkapnya )

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